Friday Nov. 4 - Warm up at 3:00p.m. and Meet starts at 4:00p.m.
Saturday Nov. 5 - Warm up at 8:00a.m. and Meet Starts at 9:00a.m.
Bus will go down each day- leaving CHS parking.
Friday leave @ 1:45p.m. and Saturday leave @ 6:45 a.m.
600 swimmers will be in attendance to this meet so please plan to bring extra sweats, jackets, towels, blankets because we will set up a place for our team outside on the lawn. Friday may be cold outside,
but Saturday in the sun will be warmer.
Bring a lawn chair or pillow and blanket to lay on the lawn.
PARENTS - Coach wants us to help provide items to eat and drink since meets both days will go long.
Friday Nov. 4 will not finish until 8:00p.m.
Saturday Nov. 5 will not finish until 3:00p.m.
I have someone bringing drinks but need more snacks including fruit.
Please email Leah - ljb1@live if you can bring something
or send food with your swimmer.
If you plan on sharing food items
you need to plan on about 40 swimmer.
If your swimmer does not want to carry treats to school and on bus,
bring to pool Thursday and Mitchell Brown will pick up.
Nov. 11 Meet in Delta then travel to Richfield to sleep in Motel.
Please pay your $21.00 for Motel to CHS office.
Nov. 12 Meet in Richfield. Do not know arrive home time.
Will post ASAP - know it is Sadie Hawkins Dance.