Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bingham Invitational 2019

Location - Kearns Oquirrh Park Fitness Center
5624 South Cougar Lane (4800 West)
Kearns, UT
Friday - Meet Starts @ 7:00 p.m.-9pm   (200 Med Relay, 200 Free, IM, 50 Free)
Saturday - Meet Starts @ 9:30 a.m.- 1pm (100 Fly, 100 Free, 500, 200 Fr Relay, 100 Back, 
100 Brst, 400 Fr Relay)

BRING - Sack lunch for bus, healthy snack for Friday night after meet ends- it will be late and we will go straight to hotel.
$25 for two meals - Friday dinner before meet and Saturday lunch after meet ends. 
Warm coat, swim gear, two towels, chair, snacks to eat at the meet, and a water bottle, ect.

Load Bus at 11:35am Friday
Bus leaves at 11:40 am - Friday 
4:00 p.m. - Arrive at Jordan Landing to pick up dinner
5:00p.m. - Arrive at Kearns pool 
5:30p.m. - Warm Up 
7:00p.m. - Meet Starts 
9:00p.m. - Meet Ends
Check into Hotel
Hampton Inn
3923 W Center Park Drive
West Jordan 

6:00 - Wake up, eat breakfast at hotel
7:15 - Bus leaves 
8:00 - Warm Up
9:30 a.m. - Meet Starts 
1:00 p.m. - Meet Ends
1:15 - Load bus and get lunch 
2:30p.m. - leave to travel home 
6:00 -6:30 p.m. arrive at CHS 

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Cedar High Invitational 2019

Go Cedar Reds!!!
Nov 8-9th
Cedar City, UT
Cedar City Aquatic Center
2090 W Royal Hunte Drive
Cedar City, UT 84720
Friday Nov 8th -warm up 3:30pm, be there at 3:00
-Meet will start 5:15
*Parents we need timers, two for each lane. If you are willing to time come down to the deck and talk to Morgan Greene, try to be there before 5:00. Morgan set up a remind text if you would like to sign up, if she needs more people she will send out a text.
To sign up ( text 81010 , send the message - @cedarred )
* Parents to watch the meet we would like you to sit in the bleachers if you are not helping with the meet, to help with traffic flow on the pool deck. We will have 12 school there.
Saturday Nov 9th- warm up 8:30am be there at 8am
-Meet starts at 9:15.
* Thanks for the donations with the drinks and food. Thanks to all the parents and swimmers for helping, it makes our meet run so smoothly. :)