Thursday, November 18, 2021

Practice times 19th-24th

Nov 19th Fri  G&B Varsity only practice at 6:00am Suu. No afternoon or evening practice today.

Nov 22nd Monday B. Varsity 6:00am at Suu

G. Varsity and JV  3-5:15 at Aquatic Center

Nov 23rd Tuesday G&B Varsity 3-5:00 at the Aquatic Center

JV 5:15- 7:15 at the Aquatic Center  (Yes Earlier practice time just for today.)

Nov 24th Wed G&B Varsity practice at 6:00am Suu. No afternoon or evening practice today.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Cedar & Canyon View Swim Meet

 November 18th  Thursday (One Day Swim Meet)

Location: Cedar Aquatic Center

Meet Start Time 4:30pm

200 Med Relay, 200 Fr, IM, 50 Fr, 100 Fly, 100 Fr, 500, (5 min break)

200 Fr Relay, 100 Bk, 100 BR, 400 Fr Relay.

Varsity warmup 3:15- 3:50, JV warmup 3:50- 4:25  Lanes 1-4

If parents are wanting to time, come to the pool by 4:15 to see if we need timers. For people wanting to watch the meet there is seating in the bleachers above the pool. Those that are helping or swimming are the only ones allowed on the pool deck, we have limited amount of space. Thanks! :)

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Cedar Nov Swim Meet

November 12th & 13th

Location : Cedar Aquatic Center

12 schools will be there. 

Friday Warmup: 2:00- 2:35pm lanes 1-6  Swimmers need to be there at 1:45

Meet Starts 5:15pm- about 7:40?

Friday events: 200 Med Relay, 200 Free, 200 IM, 50 Free


Saturday Warmup time 8:40-9:15am, lanes 1-6, Swimmers need to be there at 8:25

Start time 10:00am - about 1:30?

Saturday events: 100 Fly, 100 Free, 500, 200 Free Relay, 100 Back, 100 Breast, 400 Free Relay

Parents let me know if you are willing to help time or with the bullpen to line up swimmers. Thanks!

Monday, November 1, 2021

Fernley Swim Meet

November 5th and 6th

Location: Sand Hollow Aquatic Center 1144 N Lava Flow Drive; St George, UT 84770

Parents are allowed to come to watch the meet :)

Friday Nov 5th

Load bus at 11:20am at Cedar High School bring a lunch. 

Meet Starts at 4pm

At the meet we will be outside while they wait to swim, bring clothes to stay warm, and a chair to sit in. 

Dinner will be provided for the swimmers at the middle school across the street after the meet, then we will head home. 

Any parent wanting to check out a swimmer to drive them home after the meet need to sign them out with the coach.  

Leave about 8:00pm, arrive about 9:00pm at CHS

Saturday Nov 6th

Load bus at 6:25am at Cedar High School, bring money for lunch after meet. 

Meet Starts 9:15am

It will be cold in the morning bring warm clothes while we wait outside to swim. 

Meet will end about 12:30-1:00pm

Leave go get food, head back to CHS. Bus arrives about about 2:30-3:30 at CHS