Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Richard Coston (Swim Coach)

 Richard the Coach that Started The Cedar High School Team and Icat Swim Team. 

(Coached in Cedar 1981-2019) 

We are grateful for all that he has done, and the lives that he has touched. 

"If you were looking for Richard Coston, your first stop would be at the aquatic center.  He was involved with swim programs for most of his adult life, and was dedicated to the kids involved in those programs. When he was teaching a swimmer he would do so with examples related to experiences that he had throughout his life, he didn’t lecture, he taught. I was fortunate enough to cross paths with him through coaching both a local community team for the youth and by assisting him in the coaching efforts of the Cedar High Swim Team.  The time he spent growing programs that served our youth have created a foundation that programs today have built on. His time spent in the community was more than just service, he left behind a legacy of dedication and care."  -Megan Moses