Friday, May 8, 2020

At Home Workout #2

Dryland Workout No. 2
4 rounds
4 exercises

Exercises — complete 4 rounds
1. 10 walking lunges + 50 yard sprint
2. Burpees with a jump (2 reps) + 10 yard sprint — 2 times
3. Frog jumps (2 reps) + 50 yard sprint — 2 times
4. 100 yard sprint

*If this is too easy, up the distance and reps./ If it is to hard cut the rep in half and try 2 rounds. 

At Home Workout #1

Dryland WORKOUT No. 1

Body Weight 
Four rounds. Eight exercises.
40-seconds WORK
15-seconds REST/Transition

1. Alternate split jumps + squat jumps
2. Push-ups or streamline jumps
3. Alternate plank up downs
4. Squats
5. Mountain climbers
6. Crab toe touches or jumping jacks
7. Plank twists
8. Burpees